This is the artwork of Noor (her name is also spelled "Nour" because Arabic is phonetic). She is an orphaned 11 year old Palestinian who lives with her brothers and sisters in the rubble of North Gaza barbarically bombed and besieged with all food, water, medicine, fuel, electricity and humanitarian aid cut off for 3 weeks.
Their mother and father were martyred in front of their eyes in separate airstrikes by insane imperial Israelis trying to steal Palestine with unlimited unconditional US munitions.
I have been in frequent contact with them for months and we have had video calls which made my heart burst with adoration and admiration and anguish for these pure precious children who are unbelievably brave, kind, hospitable, honorable, wise, joyful, generous, loving, creative, faithful and steadfast in the middle of famine and genocide and unimaginable horrors and devastation and loss. They truly are the best of humanity in terrifying mortal danger from the worst inhumanity of evil Zionist zealots mass murdering Muslims and Christians and Jews for profits, power, petroleum, and priceless property.
Noor is an angel. Her art is exquisite and peaceful and happy and heartbreaking, she is so talented and loving. Her colorful butterflies remind me of the hundreds of butterflies carved by children using pebbles and fingernails on the walls of barracks in Majdanek concentration and extermination camp in Poland, her detailed drawings of food make me fervently wish I could feed her a feast. Her drawings of the Palestinian flag with Syrian Independence flags (with 3 stars) express every child's longing for peace and freedom, they are celebrations of liberation and solidarity. Her exuberant drawings of Gazans returning to their homes during the "ceasefire" were full of so much hope and joy before Trump and Netanyahu nuked the ceasefire agreement which Trump guaranteed and then blew up in order to continue colonizing Gaza and giving the West Bank to Israel as he has been paid to do by AIPAC and Adelsons.
She has repeatedly had severe hepatitis which is widespread because of contaminated drinking water and she currently has the flu. They are struggling and suffering and shivering in the cold surrounded by sickness and starvation and savage sadistic slaughter.
Without electricity for 17 months, they have been using firewood for heat and cooking which is now hard to find. Once one of the most densely populated places in the world, Jabalia is a ghost town of demolished homes and buildings destroyed by artillery and airstrikes, tanks and bulldozers and quadcopters and Apache helicopters. Israel designated all of North Gaza a combat zone and ordered the entire population to evacuate on October 6 of 2024, but a few thousand people never left including Noor and their brothers and sisters. Their martyred mother and father told them to never leave no matter what.
Rothschilds and Israel and America and Britain and Zionists worldwide want to steal Palestine and its offshore gas and oil and ethnically cleanse the land to control global trade and energy routes. Diamonds are the top export of Israel.
The global fight against Zionist capitalism and imperialism is the modern version of the ancient wars of good versus evil and might versus right. Palestine is the crucible. Saving Palestine will save humanity and the world.
These sweet siblings are in dire need of donations to survive, below is their GoFundMe link if you may be able to give any amount and there is a link to their current page on TikTok. They had a TikTok account with over 1500 followers, but TikTok has banned their account 5 times because it suppresses pro-Palestinian content, so please follow their new account and repost their videos to help spread the word of their desperate situation.